
Becoming a United States citizen is a major milestone in an immigrant’s life. At Barajas Law, we take pride in helping clients become citizens of this country. We strongly encourage clients to become U.S. citizens as soon as they are eligible.

At our law office, we help individuals determine whether they are eligible for citizenship and take the steps necessary to reach the last step in their immigration journey: naturalization. Contact us today.

There are many opportunities for citizens that are not available for resident aliens, including:

  • Citizens have the right to vote in all state and national elections
  • Eligibility for social welfare benefits is not as restrictive for citizens as it is for lawful permanent residents
  • Bringing other family members to this country becomes faster and easier
  • A person married to a United States citizen becomes eligible for citizenship three years after becoming a lawful permanent resident

Aside from the tangible benefits of U.S. citizenship, the swearing-in ceremony is an important and moving moment for anyone seeking citizenship. For many, it represents the culmination of a goal and a dream to become a United States citizen. Many come from countries with oppressive leadership and do not have the rights and benefits that the United States provides. Our reward as immigration counsel is helping those dreams come true.