Your Family is Our Focus

Do you need legal help with a divorce, establishing custody, or obtaining a parenting plan?

Divorce, custody, and child support cases can be overwhelming for everyone involved, especially children.  Our goal is to get our clients through the family court system as expeditiously as possible, with the best possible outcome. We will work together to craft a detailed plan to help you and your family move forward. Our attention is always on our clients’ best interest.

In Washington State, child custody issues must be addressed in court by a judge who will determine the best interest of the child.  In addition to establishing a parenting plan or residential schedule for your child, parents may also encounter issues such as relocation, modification of a divorce agreement, and/or establishing child support or protective orders. Which is why it is important that you have the professional guidance of an attorney.

While in some cases custody and/or divorce may be handled amicably through mediation or agreement, others do not, and no two cases are the same. Therefore, our commitment to you is to deliver the best legal results while providing compassionate and personalized client services to better safeguard you and your loved one.